Public Holidays in Madrid
We suggest checking out Madrid’s bank holidays before traveling to the city, so you can plan your holidays accordingly and know which days the attractions and museums are closed, as well as any special celebrations.
Public Holidays
- New Year’s Day: 1 January
- Reyes Magos (Epiphany): 6 January
- Maundy Thursday: Date varies
- Good Friday: Date varies
- Labor Day: 1 May
- Day of the Community of Madrid: 2 May. This day commemorates the Dos de Mayo uprisings of 1808, against the occupation of Madrid by French troops. The bravery and courage of the civilian population marked the history of Madrid forever.
- San Isidro: 15 May. Patron saint of Madrid.
- Assumption Day: 15 August
- Spain’s National Day: 12 October. It is also known as Columbus Day. It commemorates the discovery of the Americas.
- All Saint’s Day: 1 November
- Virgen of Almudena: 9 November. Patron Saint of Madrid.
- Spanish Constitution Day: 6 December. In memory of the 6 December 1978, when the present Spanish Constitution was enacted.
- Feast of the Immaculate Conception: 8 December
- Christmas Day: 25 December